The Project YOU Experience

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If the podcast, the book, or anything related to The Project YOU Experience resonates with you, I’d love to connect further, even if it’s for someone else that you know, a friend, family member, or client. I’m more than happy to share past  participants’ experiences, and why the program was created, if you’re unsure whether you’re a good fit or have any similar types of questions.

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...a “once in a lifetime” experience for me to be a part of this group. I highly recommend this program to anyone who desires to “Have It All”.
John Connelly
Owner, Promotional images, Inc. Professional Musician, “The BBC Band” Buffalo, New York
The Project You Experience gave me so much to contemplate. I had an interesting conversation with 25 year old daughter Steph. We were sitting by the pool and she asked what the course was all about so I pulled out the notebook and read the questions … fascinating discussion.

The questions from the The Project You Experience beg to be discussed as a family. This led my thinking in a different direction: you have the makings of a family meeting plan in a box.”
Julie A. Lange
FCSI, CIM, Portfolio Manager, Director, Wealth Management Branch Manager
Anne Apking

Anne Apking

Educational Designer

Nick Giambrone

Strategic Alliance Partner