The Project YOU Experience

Do As You Say You’re GONNA Do with John Connelly

I know proper English says “going to” versus “gonna”, but the slang version means something to John Connelly. John’s dad (whom I affectionately call Jesus Connelly) always said it to him like this in his own authentic way. You’ll understand more of the significance of this as you listen to our podcast with one of my dearest friends.

Here are some key moments:

  • the power of honoring commitments
  • finding passion in music
  • the impact of our fathers on our lives
  • John’s journey from selling to starting his own business
  • how core values, integrity, and friendship have shaped his success
  • the importance of genuine connections and gratitude
  • the life-changing impact of being honest and vulnerable

John is a rare individual whose intensity is so palpable about doing what’s right. I love what he represents and what he’s taught me over the last 4 plus decades. Being able to listen, to synthesize what you are hearing, to look someone back in the eyes and give them back what they need to hear. All so they can make a decision based on integrity and always knowing that they did the right thing.

John has been a true brother to me and I’m proud to say that on May 27th, 1992, he was the first person that wrote a check for a sales consulting assignment that kick-started Pusateri Consulting and Training. For that, I will always be eternally grateful.

If you want to hear from someone that has truly influenced my thinking, that truly lives his values and continues to make a difference in the lives of others…then you’ll enjoy this episode.