The Project YOU Experience

You Don’t Get Old Until You Run Out of Your Future with John Moshides

Wow, John Moshides, President and Founder of Moshides Financial Group, gets it. Practicing what he preaches, John’s commitment to giving and growing is palpable. I’ve seen firsthand his absolute commitment to excellence. No cutting corners here as John speaks from his heart about living a life of significance and doing his best to impact the lives of the clients he has been privileged to work with over the last four decades.

I especially liked John’s eight criteria for what makes a valued client from his perspective. That intelligence alone is worthy of your time to listen and extract his insight and wisdom. Have a pen and paper handy and send him a note for his great contribution. The takeaways apply to anyone in the business development world.

We delve into John’s incredible journey in wealth management, reflecting on his 43-year career and the impactful mentors who saw potential in him. We explore the importance of ongoing personal and professional growth, beyond just financial success, and the meaningful relationships John has cultivated with his affluent clients. Join us as we uncover the unique approach of the “Give and Grow Study Group” and the profound impact of The Project YOU Experience on living a life of significance, gratitude, and abundance.

Here are some key moments from this episode:

  • Ongoing Personal and Professional Growth: John Moshides’ journey and The Project YOU Experience reinforce the importance of continual personal and professional growth in both life and business.
  • Building Trust and Emotional Connections: The critical factors influencing trust and how emotional connections play a significant role in the wealth management industry.
  • The “Give and Grow Study Group”: The longevity and success of this study group highlight the value of collaboration, support, and ongoing learning within the industry, serving as a model for others.

Listen in and get ready to embark on your own journey of growth and significance.